Every time you interact with a computer, either using a command line or graphically, you are using a console. Despite its ease of use, a console must address and solve a lot of compatibility problems, for example properly interpreting control characters that may differ from terminal to terminal.
Being able to customize settings such as locale and keyboard layout is the basis, but it is not enough: , having at least a basic understanding of how a console works under the hood is certainly a valuable skill that lets you quickly and easily address some uncomfortable situations that sometimes arise, especially when connecting to old systems that, in the face of security best practices, for various reasons after decades are still there without being updated, maybe because very are running obsolete services that are not compatibles with up to date operating systems.
The "Linux Console Essential Virtual Terminals Terminal Emulation and configuring locale" post is meant to provide you everything it is necessary to know to solve the most common problems that may arise concerning the Linux console and locale.