While running a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), the maintenance workload due to enrolling new certificates and renewing the existing ones can quickly become overwhelming. Dealing it manually is not only cumbersome: it is frustrating too. Luckily there are ways to automate the enrollment process by providing online Registration Authority endpoints.

Cloudflare's PKI and TLS Toolkit provides both an online Registration Authority as well the client software that can be used to automatically enroll new or renew existing certificates. The aim of the "Cloudflare's certmgr tutorial - a certmgr howto" blog post is ti show how quick and easy is setting up certmgr, the certificate monitoring and automatic enrolling facility provided by Cloudflare.

The operating environment used in this post is Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 or Rocky Linux 9 - using a different environment may lead to having to adapt or even change things.

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