HAProxy is certainly one of the most blazoned, fast and efficient (in terms of processor and memory usage) open source load balancer and proxy, enabling both TCP and HTTP-based applications to spread requests across multiple servers. In the "High Available HA Proxy Tutorial With Keepalived" we see not only how to install it in a High Available fashion, but also how to set the configuration in a clean and tidy way, having it automatically fetched from a Git remote repository.

Interacting with Git using Python is a very common use case in the DevOps field: very often it is necessary to checkout application’s or scripts along with their configuration or even just checkout versioned configurations. Although more rare, it is sometimes necessary to update the checked out contents and push the committed version back to the “origin” remote repository. In the "Git With Python HowTo GitPython Tutorial And PyGit2 Tutorial" post we play with the two most commonly used Python libraries used to interconnect to Git: gitpython and pygit2.

Git is certainly the most popular Source Code Management (SCM) software: it is broadly used in almost every recent open source project, and even a lot of emblazoned legacy projects switched to it over the years.

In the previous post we thoroughly learned how to use it to version control sources, working only on personal - so local - repositories.

GIT Tutorial - A thorough Git Howto About Using Remotes completes our trip on learning how to professionally use Git, showing you how to link the personal local repository to shared remote bare repositories.
Knowing how to deal with this topic is of course a mandatory skill, since this is the only way you have to cooperate and work with other developers.

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DevOps (and of course DevSecOps) are getting more and more adopted by companies: these methodologies rely on several frameworks and software skills, and working with a modern Source Code Management (SCM) such any kind of software implementing Git is certainly a must for every DevOps professional. This post is the first of a set of posts dedicated to Git and is aimed at providing a GIT Tutorial - A thorough Version Control with Git Howto on personal repositories, giving guidelines to proficient operating with it.
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